Sunday, October 24, 2010


I have found myself of late posting lengthy entries to my Facebook page. Political commentaries, baseball notes and updates, my daily nebulous thoughts... It all really is rather meaningless as you know. I don't remember how I got talked into Facebook anyway. Posting regularly leaves yourself open to others scrutiny... because they have had a day when they have nothing better to do then peer into your life and weigh in on yours or at least my "stream of consciousness" comments.
I really don't expect people to take me seriously as even as I write the things, my mind is changing about what I am saying. Perhaps I am not normal. Perhaps I am a bit schizophrenic. I, of course, like to think that I am just a sample of the ordinary woman, with perhaps more time on my hands then some, or at least when having time chooses rather then to shop or garden or watch television or read or gossip about the neighbors heads to my laptop or to my wonderful IPHONE to immortalize a
Yes,I have become a Facebook addict.

Now this blog is to be about my sex life which I do not post on Facebook so let me go ahead and be consistent so as not to disappoint.

I did last October enjoy the company of a young man and that went well. Actually it was quite comfortable,not unforgettable but to be frank,we were both pretty toasted from an OKTOBERFEST Celebration. It was in fact simply fun.

Soon after that I had moved to another neighboring city to live with a sweet,and dear man who I adored and still do in a much different way.
I have to say that he was the one man who, in living together, had every opportunity to disappoint but never did. He came with a bonus package of an adorable son, who was impossible not to love. But, alas, seeing that this love of mine for this great guy was not going to go where I would have liked it to go, ( not really sure where that was but would have known it had anything unfolded), I moved back into my own home.

I am wise enough to know that at this point in my life, there are few really surprising let downs, there is only LIFE as it unfolds, and Plan B is always an option.
So PLAN B being what it was to simply stay friends and move out rather then fall deeply into unrequited love, yes, I chose Plan B.

And since then some health issues slowed me down. Some reevaluating and self growth took place and after a commitment to celibacy, I broke down in MAY into the arms of a man who lived in FANTASY LAND mentally. I was immediately aware of this, but hot and horny as one woman can get after a long stint of celibacy I caved. I found myself in bed with the man who collected interesting artifacts displayed throughout his home, two planes (real ones) at the local airport that no longer could fly, and a mirror over his bed.

I had never had the mirror over the bed experience. I had had the mirrors around the room thing, but never the mirror over the bed.
You know the ceiling mirror has its advantages.
Even when you are naked and in the throws of all kind of positions that ceiling mirror is smiling down like the sun reflecting the candle light and making you look pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Now please know I am the most critical of critical when it comes to my naked body and no lights or soft, soft lights is my preference, but for some reason that ceiling mirror is amazing !
Flashes of flesh and after a while I am thinking, "Oh OK, this is what men see that women do not."
Once we get our clothes off and that close to the actual act, they see these flashes of beautiful, voluptuous, heated passionate body parts. WOW ! Who ever knew?!

I really could not have seen it before this. We actually do look pretty hot.
It was a definite eye opener.
Though, I chose this to be only a one night stand I will forever remember that.

As my friend who I lived with just recently said,"We men don't see what you women see when those clothes are coming off." as he shook his head in disbelief as we women were discussing being self critical and self conscious.

What a REVELATION... it was possible! In that mirror on the ceiling and in their eyes we are outrageous Goddesses of beauty and pleasure.

So my advice is as previously described. Of course be clean,and whenever possible wear the sexy adornments and the pleasant smelling pheromones,,,when getting up to go get that glass of water, or to use the restroom, no need to grab the sheet to cover up, though a soft light from behind you is always most flattering,it is still for us somewhat about the lighting,,, but remember his eyes are not your eyes.
Sing praises for that.
His eyes are more like my friend described,,, oblivious to flaws,,
and remember the eyes of the mirror on the ceiling. I always will.
It is all GOOD... Life IS GOOD !!!

1 comment:

  1. Well the mirror thing over the bed is interesting, but you wouldn't have gotten past the cockpit of the first plane had I been there.
    No pun intended, right there on the runway.
